Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Note to volunteers-NE on 4th March

Dear Volunteers,

I am extremely sorry that I am breaking the diktat of not speaking to anyone outside on what transpired in the National Executive meeting, yesterday. Generally, I am a disciplined soldier of the party.

Arvind used to say that when they were coming out of the joint draft committee meeting of the Lokpal in 2011, Kapil Sibal used to ask them not to reveal anything to the outside world. Arvind used to answer that it was his primary duty to inform the nation about the proceedings, as he was not a leader but a representative of the people. Truth and transparency was all that he had.

My presence in the National Executive is only as a representative of the volunteers. And I would be dishonest to accept the gag order. The volunteers cannot be removed from the equation; they are the source of the party. Rather than get information from selective leaks and stray statements, I have decided to give some factual details of the meeting in the public domain.

Last night I was told that disciplinary action would be taken against me, if I revealed anything. So be it – my first allegiance is to the higher truth. Here is an essence of the meeting with regards to removal of YY and PB, based on my understanding. I would request NE to release the minutes of the meeting.

Short background
During the Delhi campaign, Prashant Bhushan had threatened multiple times that he will hold press conference against the party, because of his concerns on candidate selection. Some of us were successful in somehow or other to stave off the threat till the elections. It was alleged that Yogendra Yadav was conspiring against Arvind and some evidences were produced. There were also operational irreconcilable differences and trust deficit between AK, PB and YY 

On 26th Feb night when members of the NE went to meet him, Arvind conveyed that he will not be able to work as Convenor, if these two members were part of the PAC. That was the background of the NE on 4th March.

NE meeting
Yogendra said that he understood that Arvind did not want them in PAC, as it was difficult to him to work together. He and Prashant would be happy to stay out of PAC, but they should not be singled out. Two formulas were put forward by him.

·         That the PAC be reconstituted and new PAC members be elected through voting. PB and YY will not put their candidature.

·         That PAC continue to function in the present form and YY and PB would not attend any of the meetings.

The meeting broke for some time and Manish and others conferred with the Delhi team of Ashish Khetan, Asutosh, Dilip Pandey and others. After reassembling, Manish proposed a resolution that YY and PB be removed from the PAC and it was seconded by Sanjay Singh.

I abstained to vote, because of two contrary reasons

1. Arvind needs a smooth working in the PAC. So, I agreed that PB and YY may be out of PAC and take some alternate important roles. 

2. I was taken aback by the resolution of removing them publicly, especially as they themselves were willing to leave.Also, this decision to sack them was against the overwhelming sentiments of volunteers from all over the world.

So, while I agreed that they can step down from the PAC, the manner and intention behind the resolution was not acceptable. Hence, the decision to abstain.

The other details may come when the minutes of meeting is released.

This is not a revolt, nor is this some publicity ploy. I will not go to the press. There may be some repercussions overt and covert against me. So be it. 

Jai Hind


Mayank Gandhi


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Unknown said...


AAM AADMI said...

Thank you Mayank Bhai... Thanks a lot. It cleared a lot of confusion.. Hope AAP not be another Janta dal of 1977

AAM AADMI said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ashish said...

Nautanki party no offence

Shoaib said...

I have been a regular donor of the party (anyone can check for my name in the donor list), and I am deeply saddened about what is going on in this party. It is surely straying from its path and anyone who brings the truth, is shown the door. It surely shows the Admiral Ramdas was correct about groups in the party. I have been let down. I never elected anyone from the PAC or NE. My voice and thousands of other patriotic voices were never heard. What a tragedy.

drriazpathan said...

Very very sad day for hard core volunteers,Y Dont u voted in favour of YY/PB

Ankur Gupta said...

Thank you sir. But what has transpired, and details given by you has made thousands of AAP volunteers to regret the decision of supporting AAP. :-(

Anonymous said...

उसके घर मे आग लगी थी और वो .......चुपचाप कही दूर बैठा रहा..!!! "शर्मनाक"

Sutikshan said...

You did all right thing sir.
Sadly our leaders could not rise above differences for sake of our nation.
Very sad day for me, my brother and millions of volunteers like me.

Unknown said...

It is disappointing that the NE did not take the volunteers into confidence before taking a decision like this.
Arvind talks of swaraj. Where is it in the party.
Volunteers are the backbone of AAP. We had no say.
Whatever Arvind wanted, he got it done.
This is not done.
Arvind's dictatorial style is not acceptable.

bali208 said...

Thank you Sir, You did nothing wrong. Our brains was craving inside with sleepless nights what actually happened..!

SV Subramanian said...

Thank you Mayankji. Your Blog nails the claim that there was a 11-8 decision of the NE to relieve Yogendra Yadav and Prashant Bhushan of PAC Responsibilities. More disquieting is that a few Delhi Volunteers decide on who should be in PAC and who should not be in PAC.Is this the SWARAJ and Transparency we were promised? Is this the way opinions of volunteers all over India are are trampled to pander to the ambitions of a few Delhi Leaders

Anonymous said...

U did the right things. This will help prevent further damage to the party by clearing confusion and speculation. Party should be thankful to you.

RAVI Srivastava said...

Good I appreciate you are truthful honest & forthcoming with your thoughts

Unknown said...

It just hurts when AAP is becoming like any other political party. We trusted all of u but u broke our trust.
Hats OFF to you Mayank sir.
Will not support a party anymore for sure.How come I will support a party which does not care abt volunteers feelins and talk abt we are volunteer based party.

aakash said...

Sir, I like many other faceless volunteers, have supported AAP, by donating, through call campaign as well as ground campaigning, including Mumbai during LS elections. I support AAP not because of Arvind Kejriwal or Mayank Gandhi (no disrespect), but because of the core ideologies which made it stand out of rest of the parties. I have some questions to you.

1. Is disagreeing not a part of democratic discussions? How can Arvind say he can't work with YY & PB.

2. How can the right to dissolve NE be given to NE itself? How can judge be the prosecuted?

3. How is abstaining from vote a better option that taking sides? If you can't make up mind on such issues, than what right do you have to be a member in NE?

I am not sure how many faceless volunteers like me are AAP losing by this behavior.
Jai Hind

Anonymous said...

So its ego of Arvind ...AK is cheater and his intention is to keep higher post with him only..AK can work with chamcha only like manish, ashsish and ashutosh...

Shri Sai Swadhyay Mandal said...

Basically the Agenda of meeting was to throw them out only..nobody was thinking about future...
AK finally fired these people..When these people talks in media so silently and maturely..
Very disappointing but YY took good step on is interview he made it very clear.
But Mayank sir if you 3 guys voted then it would be 11-11 and party would have stay together...the 12th vote was of all volunteers was "be united" so...
again after few days AK has say "I am Sorry, I am not god..I am aam aadmi..galati to hogi.."

Unknown said...

First let me congratulate u on ur courage. Secondly it gives me lots of heart that there people like u still in AAP who listen to their conscience. Mayank, I voted for AAP all 3 times it fought elections. I am emotionally attached with party but the way PB & YY were abused even by office bearers of AAP like Sudesh and Ankit Lal and that too in public has broken that emotional bond that AAP is MY part!. I understand AK's aversion for PB and I also appreciate that PB's extreme idealism and leftist tendencies can be hindrance in party's growth. But what about YY! If he was seeking a bigger role for himself, what is wrong with that? That he is looking for a bigger role for himself is the problem or it would come at a bit of downsizing of AK, that is the problem? New leaders emerging party other then AK is good sign!! isn't it? AK does not want expansion outside Delhi is good for the party or he sees such a move while he is busy as CM in Delhi, detrimental to his own position in party? To me YY is a pillar of party. One of the reasons for supporting AAP for more discerning supporters like me. He has a major impact on the Intelligentsia and media of the country. He is easily the best spokesperson any party in the country can have. The very best! If AK think only he has mass base, he is wrong. YY has his base as well. All said and done, AK has shown that he does not have stomach to take everyone along. He may be a charismatic campaigner but is he leader in true sense? No! Today the famous words of AK "MAIN BAHUT CHHOTA AADMI HUN JI, MERI KOI AUKAAT NAHIN HAI" sound fake and hollow.

rajshekhar said...

candidate selection
conspiring against Arvind

For these reasons YY and PB were out. But bcoz of these questions only AAP .. is AAP. There should be place for all voices in PAC . :( I am sad and disappoint by NE decision .

Jay R. Singh said...

You cleared confusion Sir!!
Wasted money in donation, Time in campaign. Even closed my business to give more time in AAP's activity.Oh God!! What I did!!

Anonymous said...

Sir, you spoke the truth. Very proud of you. Wish others had some courage like yours. God bless you. I am proud that I donated for a party with people like Prashant Bhushan/Yogendra Yadav and you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for speaking up. This is blatantly unfair. I agree Arvind has done the most for the party, but the "my way or high way" approach is totally against the founding principles of the party. What happened to Swaraj? Shameful compromise by Arvind. Moreover, the questions raised by PB and YY (PB in particular) are extremely important. To me it sounds like Arvind wants to hide some uncomfortable truths (funding, candidate selection) under carpet. I was one of the most ardant fans of Arvind, today my respect for him has gone down. He can still correct his mistakes but I very much doubt it.

Vaikom unni said...

In other words "I Know that it is poison, but there was no alternative, so I consumed it'

Arup said...

Why can't Arvind work with his colleagues Yogendra and Prashant at the PAC? Is the Arvind the onwer of AAP? You all should have accepted Arvind's resignation for having such unreasonable demands.

And thanks a lot for sharing. Commitment to transparency is more important than commitment to any leader or party.

Bhushan said...

Thanks Mayankbhai for sharing details irrespective of action, as it is very crucial not just for party for us volunteers too.

I would have differed that still you should have voted in favor, as abstain is anyway not helping in such case.

Being a soldier of this party since IAC, yesterday was the darkest day in my opinion. I was not even hurt on the day when ANNA ditched us.

1) If YY or PB did anything wrong, put that facts in front of crores of volunteers, give the reason for removal so they trust your decision. We should not forget this party and volunteers are united just because of TRUST not because of AK , YY or PB.

2) My only disappointment with AK, have we grown so much that he can not go in NE , sit together with YY or PB and discuss with them frankly no matter what is the issue. I thought I know AK, he has guts to convience those 11 that we need PB or YY on board. Never seen AK on such hidden way allowed all these.

3) if 8 of 11 NE wants them even it is minor, it should have been consider as major. Remember Mayank Gandhi says I tried to unite them and then writes on twitter I abstain from voting, is this way to unite?

4) if party is so discipline concern, what good Asish Khetan, Ashutosh, Dilip Pandey, Jaihind wrote on twitter is discipline? will they also take action against them?

5) If crore of Delhi people can forgive AK and AAP for their mistake and open heart with such margin, do we have not such a big heart if anybody did any mistake?

6) If our enemy is crony capitalist, corruption, party in making can not afford any such loss irrespective how big is the difference of opinion

7) From Tv source, PB and YY offered posts like Maharashra convener or legal cell etc. Really? and AK says who has post attraction should leave party, then why offer them such things?

I repeat this party runs only on TRUST any deficit in that will be very bad and difficult to win that trust again.

No matter how bitter is the truth, spell it let all the know. So in future no body repeat similar mistake, if anybody did any.

alka said...

Thanks a lot sir for the first hand information, v all were dying to know. At least u adhered by the principles of transparency. Leafers like u r the only hope for us to stay on with AAP. It would've been much dignified the solution to the crisis of dissolving the PAcC rather than the humiliation of oust by voting. A very wrong massage of rift , gone to the volunteers. I hv seen many jusy opted out of AAP overnight.Regards.

Unknown said...

Mayanbhai, hats off for showing courage to tell us, the volunteers what actually transpired behind the closed doors. This is the begining of the end of AAP of our dream and ideology. I feel heartbroken today.

Kumar Pravesh. said...

Thank you Mayank for remaining true to your conviction and fundamental principles of AAP. If transparency is trampled upon, then what will be the difference between AAP & other parties.My only fear is that after such unprecedented public support AAP must not go a High Command type way and AK should not be surrounded by some kind of caucus like parasites who keep him away from people and ground realities. Remember Rajiv Gandhi getting 412 seats in LS and what happened next. The so called new netas should be careful with their utterances.

Unknown said...

Thanks Mayankji & we appreciate your stand. As I said earlier its a battle between Right & More Right & it is difficult to understand who is where.

I am not happy with timing & manner in which this issue has been brought up by both camps. Winning Delhi was just step 1 & delivering on promises is now the real challenge. We actually need AK primarily for Delhi & he can contribute to other states as needed.

Comment on candidate selection: We will continue to have bad elements entering the party hence need to put in laws (such as JLP) that will take care of them in longer term. Personal scrutiny & investigations will have limited use across the country on larger scale considering our constraint resources.

Comment person centric decision making:
We need decision makers who have courage to make decisions in crises situations and take accountability for the same. AK has that rare quality & we must respect the same. So long as his decisions r within authority given to his position & he takes full responsibility for its outcome it should not be viewed as non democratic. Otherwise it will almost become impossible to function if for each decision we will go for voting & volunteer consultation. That is wrong interpretation of inner party democracy.

Comment on system & process in party:
Its a global statement that systems & processes are not in place for a 2.5 year old party which is run by few enthusiastic volunteers & leaders who have given up their lucrative jobs for the nation. Its surprising & funny to see how all of them can start throwing muck on each other within 2 weeks of defeating a mighty opponent in Delhi where everybody contributed from their heart & soul. Systems & processes takes time but today the focus should be clearly on DDialogue delivery and nothing else. AAP viability will be largely depend on how efficiently they are able to deliver on DDialogue. No party can win elections with best system & processes but fails to deliver on its manifesto. Moreover voters, donors & volunteers at large are looking at this completely unnecessary fare & must be wondering what holds for them in future.

On a longer term there needs to be work stream who should think how AAP can raise regular funds for meeting its monthly expenses even though there are no elections in sight. It also needs to reimburse / remunerate its full timers in some manner so that on a long term basis this party remains viable & relevant.

Unknown said...

thank u mayank sir.........expansion of AAP needed.....

Shashank Gupta said...

In the past also, YY has done anti-party activities. I was not comfortable with his emphasis on expansion of party too. I am fine with his ouster. But I am deeply saddened by Prashant Sir ouster.
I have donated small amount to AAP 3 -4 times from my monthly Master's scholarship. But I will never donate again even a single rupee. It is extremely ridiculous that AK could not maintain two dissent voices in PAC.

awreccan said...

Thank you. It is individual voices that speak out that matter the most. I don't see why the old PAC, if it truly didn't believe in YY and PB's proposals, couldn't have voted against those proposals. In a democracy, you vote against the minority, you don't kick them out!! Shame on AK, who has been my hero for ages, for doing this and then not even offering any explanation, and congrats to you for holding on to your conscience and publishing this information.

Kaveeta Oberoi Kaul said...

The choice of candidates in Delhi was a question mark. If YY and PB expressed doubts then as senior comrades, enough respect ought to have been given, even if behind closed doors. This ideology of making a God out of humans forbodes only mayhem. AK, right or wrong, with yes ministers at hand will not take us in a direction that can spell hope. Nobody should encourage cult figures.

Proud of your stand though and this outage.

Unknown said...

Sir you have done a good job within your limited capacity.expulsion of prashant and yogendra may be right or wrong but PAC has not accepted resignation of Kejareewal was unjustified. If he had tendered his resignation seriously it should have been accepted . By accepting his resignation PAC would have been emerged as neutral body .

s k khandelwal

Tamil said...

salute to you!

jay said...


Navneet said...

Today I am sad and disillusioned by the way YY and PB were thrown out disregarding the sentiments of lakhs of volunteers.

Do AK and his Delhi sycophant gang matter more than voulunteers?

where is "Swaraj"?

"Hamare volunteers hira hain" sounds fake, dishonest and hollow now.

Questions raised by YY and PB about the compromise with founding ideals of the party remain unanswered.

Wish voices of sanity would prevail over chamchas who have vested interest in hero-worship.

Unknown said...

जिसे पद और पैसे की भूख है वो आज पार्टी छोडकर चला जाये ऐसी घोषणा करनेवाला सख्स कैसे दो पदों पर रहकर अपनी बात सही साबित कर सकता है.उन्हें सामान्य पार्टी सदस्य के रूप में काम करके लोगों के सामने आदर्श स्थापित करना चाहिए. एकदम सामान्य पार्टी सदस्य को संयोजक बनाकर क्यों नही इस तूफ़ान को शांत करना चाहिए?

Avi Singhal said...

Thanks but I have jus one doubt.
You said PB and YY were ready to leave bt they were removed by resolution publicly wch u did nt like. As per very well known facts, they were not ready to leave and that is why they voted in their own favor. Also, if u say they were ready to leave provided PAC was reconstituted does not amount to agreeing to leave as there are conditions here. If they were ready to leave, why not simply put resignation? KV had asked them to put in their resignation before the resolution was brought in to which had not agreed. I meant to resign, they had not agreed. I can agree with your blog completely if this point is cleared to me. I am sure I am speaking on behalf of many many others like me.

Avi Singhal

Sandip Tiwari said...

Thanks Mayank ji for speaking up.There was no need to publicly humiliate top leaders when they themselves were ready to resign from PAC.The few NE members went against volunteers sentiments, which is not good for the party in the long run.Going by the attitude shown by few members, Mayank bhai i fear you may also face their wrath for speaking up. AAP needs magnanimity if we really want to bring the change, otherwise this vendetta politics will finish the hope we all have from the party.

sandeep said...

I am a huge AAP supporter. but recent events have disappointed me. mr. mayank gandhi has done the right thing by putting this post.
simple question is would arvind kejriwal's popularity have gone down if he was not convenor or chairman or whatever his position is? simple answer is no. respect for him would have gone up manifold if he had resigned on his own without any conditions. doing so would have only increased his polularity.
prashant bhushan and yogendra yadav made the mistake by going public and leaking their that logic even dilip pandey had his letter leaked. so if action was to be taken it should have been taken against all 3 and not just the 2 of them. best thing that could have been done was to impress upon all 3 of them that going public would only be detrimental to interests of party.
best thing that could have been done was arvind kejriwal and PAC being reconstituted as per lokpal's suggestion.
lastly, resigning from CM was not a mistake but not attending the meeting and pretending that he was above all this was a bigger mistake in my opinion. as a leader he should have had courage to remove them if they had done wrong rather than this backdoor style that both were removed.
lastly, prashant bhushan is a good man when he disagrees with his father but becomes a bad man when he disagrees with the party. strange world we live in i guess

Anonymous said...

Mayank...Fear is for the fearful...There is never fear for truthful....This was a set decision and hence kejri went on his naturopathy ...He is king maker now...He was the power to make or break any of course the Yes Sir...had the sway....Everyone ridiculed those who left..can you imagine how suffocated they were in this Boys club ....Why did ANNA not believe in Kejri...He knew the real Kejri inside....Just the poor faithful Volunteer's did not...

Sukhdeep Komal said...

It pretty clear now that AK was behind all this....

Anoop said...

I was giving benefit of doubt to AK till y'day, we were suspecting coterie was misguiding him but wat unfolded y'day revealed who was behind all this... Chinese used to say to the word at time of 1962 war, those who don't agree with us, aren't our friends...saw that happening y'day...unfortunate

Unknown said...

केजरीवाल ने केंडिडेट के मामले में कोई घोर लापरवाही बरती मैं यह नही मानता . यह चुनाव जीवन मरण का प्रश्न था . राजनीतिक बुद्धिमानी भी जरूरी है. वैसे तो फिर आप कोई केंडिडेट ही खड़े नही कर पाएंगे . कश्मीर का बयान कोई राजनीतिक बुद्धिमत्ता वाला नही था हाँ मानवाधिकार संघठन के हिसाब से सही था . आप राजनीती में रहकर विपरीत दिशाओ में ज्यादा देर नही चल सकते

Venky said...

I have great respect for Yogendra Yadav, and the way he has been shunted out is really bad. It seems that senior leaders cannot even voice their opinions without repurcussions from the High Command of Arvind Kejriwal. This is the Swaraj he always was talking about. AK has lost the moral right to question the BJP and Congress on the High Command Culture. It seems Power has corrupted him.

Why does he lecture about arrogance if he does not practise what he preaches.

I also had great respect or Kumar Vishwas and felt he would have the guts to standup to this, but he also seems to be biased.

So many of us put so much effort to get this party to power, we did not get AK to power, but AAP. Now, it seems its about AK and not about AAP anymore.

Unknown said...

I contributed lot of my time and money for the party. Today I feel cheated the way the crook called Manish Sisodia has conspired with AK to remove Yogendra Yadav. Manish Sisodia needs to be removed from the party along with Ashish Khaitan, Dilip Pandey, Sanjay Singh and few others who voted against Yogendra. It shows AK does not care about the wishes of lakhs of volunteers. Return my donations if AAP has any self-respect.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

प्रशांत और योगेन्द्र के उठाये प्रश्न बहुत सही हैं मगर इसे अरविन्द के खिलाफ हथियार के रूप में उपयोग किया जा रहा था . ना नियत सही थी ना समय और ना ही तरीका सही था सवाल उठाने का

Arif Jameel Auti said...

Dear Mayankji, You are one of the backbones of AAP idealogy alongwith YY, PB and hundreds of others, who have kept AAP on its toes. Its very sad to see that some immature elements within NE of AAP have chosen to dig its own grave. The respect and honour of AAP was that it had such selfless leaders who were really there to keep the party from becoming a one-man cult.
Now who will keep a check on what AAP does for Delhi? The Opposition? Who? I am really sad that it has reached this day.

Thenewshints.Com said...

So its ego of Arvind ...AK is cheater and his intention is to keep higher post with him only..AK can work with chamcha only like manish, ashsish and ashutosh...Ashish and Ashutosh they want to make a member of Rajya Sabha from Delhi from the party Thats y they r doing chamchagiri to AK.

Unknown said...

Feeling Sad.. But Still Believe We r here to change politics. And feeling Changes r happening in Politics and political Parties.

Unknown said...

Thanks for revealing!! Have high regard for you #UnitedAAP is way forward...

Agent H Chenthil said...

strongly believe, Arvind Kejriwal being not 'comfortable' working with Yogendra Yadav and Prashant Bhushan can never be accepted as reasons for ousting the two of them from the Political Affairs Committee.. this is the lowest point of AAP ever and a shame.. 

Unknown said...

Respect you Mayankji.

Raju said...

Dear Mayank Gandhi,

Truly I am not AAP supported and above this I am indian. As Indian I salute you for your brave action.

All the best.

Unknown said...

Thanks sir for this Post. I know bhaut saare log bhaut saare perception bana rahe honge AAP and AK ke baare main.
But Jab tak aapke jaisa leader hai I am sure AAP and its vision is safe. God Bless You

Neeraj Jain said...

Sir, thanks for courage and transparency you've shown. This is what AAP should have done. One important question that comes to my mind: what were the irregularities that PB raised during elections and what harmful acts did YY do?

Anonymous said...

they way it was done is totally un-acceptable...this is where maturity comes into play

Interior designer Kiran.. said...

Since when did AAP become a party of yes people!! I thought it was a party with a difference.. Difference in opinion cannot be the reason to remove people from any committee.. this is worse thn other parties.. N in such a manner, when the world is watching, it must've been so embarrassing for them.. Mind you yogendraji n prashantji are highly esteemed people, you'll can't insult them like this..
I used to argue head on with bjp supporters knowing the party m supporting is miles ahead.. But now I'll lose that confidence coz they will question me right back asking look at your own party, at least we r better than you'll.. #UnhappySupporters

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Gandhi,

First of all, many congratulations for revealing the facts. It takes an honest and strong soul to overcome the fear of unknown.

Personally, I believe Arvind Kejriwal does need a dependable organization to deliver on promises in Delhi. That said, AAP is not Arvind Kejriwal alone.

He can do whatever he likes WIHTIN Delhi. PAC and NE is not limited to AK or handful of people.

I also believe Yogendra Yadav and Prashant Bhushan are not wrong in thinking differently. They have right of opinion, as does AK and his followers. Their questions and suggestions need to be answered in a transparent and democratic manner.

Lastly... two things. (1) Please do whatever you do... NOT because majority of volunteers want it or not... but because it is the right thing to do. (2) In my view, by abstaning to vote you have chosen the safe path. If I was you, I would have voted for YY & PB, even if AK was my best friend, father, brother or son.

You may have lost on truth yesterday, but you have made up to an extent today. Hope, THE TRUTH, and not THE POPULARITY will guide your way in the future.

Respects & Regards,

Safal Suri

Anonymous said...

I quit. To hell with you and AAP and your Kejru.

Anonymous said...

You are a good human being.

This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Thank you Mayank Sir. I din't understood 2 things :
1) Arvind needs a smooth working in the PAC.
Is it means he need no opposition.
2) Arvind can't work if YY and PB is present.
If Arvind can't work with YY and PB then it is his(Arvind's) problem not YY and PB problem.

Sandeep4passion said...

Thanks for sharing this sir, I was a volunteer for AAP before AK resigned in Delhi and contested for Lok Sabha polls, That showed the AK no different than other politicians. Now, I won't claim he is not a Good leader, But a True leader is one who takes everyone along and not be a person who shy's away from a crucial meeting. I wanted AAP to be different, But guess volunteers are just tools for one's use and they can't have any say in AAP's decisions. As a commoner I'm much saddened by YY sacking, He is better intellectual than AK, Such a crucial body needed a person like him. Anyway thanks for sharing this Mayank, Hope you don't face any repercussions..


Loss of The Battle of General Perception
The so called drama of clash of ideas within AAP Party now has apparently come to an end with the expulsion of Yogendra Yadav and Prashant Bhushan from PAC. Although the AAP leaders have given a perception that all kind of democratic process has been exercised before taking the final decision. But it has come as a big surprise to many of those who wanted to see the issue resolved without any kind of dismissal or removal, and also to see the AAP family happy and united. Nobody was expecting that Yogendra Yadav and Prashant Bushan will pay the price of having different opinions and being vocal within the party.
We all know that when a party or association is formed, different people of different walks of life with different ideas, opinions and characteristics come to join it. In this case everyone should be heard, respected, and given suitable position in the party. Any kind of discrimination to anyone on any level will pollute the general atmosphere of the party. And this is what exactly happened in AAP party. Nobody can deny the struggle of Arvind Kejrival and his crowd puller image, but at the same time Yogedra Yadav's huge contribution to the party also cannot be ignored and so as Prashant Bhushan's. If Kejrival led the party from the front, these two guys were always busy with making strategies behind the curtain.
The emergence of AAP party to the power with huge victory in Delhi Assembly election became possible due the the collective efforts made by all, it was not the effort of only a single person of Kejrival. When the efforts were collective, the share of success should have also been given to the deserving one. In such situations monopoly on each and every posts from a single person is not appreciated. If Kejrival had resigned wholeheartedly from the convenorship of the party after becoming the CM of Delhi, and given it to Yogendra Yadav, the most deserving one for the post, such kind of circumstances never emerged.
After seeing this whole drama I can say that power is really intoxicating...!!!

Unknown said...

Thank Mayank for keeping up spirit of AAP.Kejriwal failed to move out of NGO mindset.To me he always appeared dubious.Brazen breach of trust.shameful.former convener campaign comite Bihar ASP

Pradeep said...

thanks for bringing this out...
i already had same feeling.

Unknown said...

Thank Mayank for keeping up spirit of AAP.Kejriwal failed to move out of NGO mindset.To me he always appeared dubious.Brazen breach of trust.shameful.former convener campaign comite Bihar ASP

Anonymous said...

Dear Mayank,

The issues that were raised by Prashant Bhushan and Admiral Ramdas are still relevant. Did you push for a resolution of the issues, especially since you also agree that Prashant Bhushan has raised issues on candidate selection long back.


Anonymous said...

AAP इतना खुश .... जैसे तीतर के हाथ लग गई बटेर !

madeinindia said...

stand and salute !!!

Unknown said...

पार्टी में स्वराज का मतलब हर सीमा को लांघने की आजादी नही है. इन दोनों ने हर सीमा को लांघा होगा. परदे के पीछे की कहानी हमें क्या मालूम.बार बार इस्तीफे की धमकी और प्रेस कांफ्रेस करने की बात ब्लेकमेलिंग जैसी ही थी.

संतोष त्रिवेदी said...

अरविंद ने निराश किया है। अपने हाथों ही अपनी पार्टी का और प्रशंसकों का गला घोंट रहे हैं।
मयंक जी, साहस दिखाने के लिए आपका आभार।

School Leaders said...

Mayank I appreciate your step. It may be difficult for Arvind now who is a VIP now and Prashant Ji and Yogendra Yadav have nothing to lose.

Anonymous said...

I have supported AAP as to fill the political vacuum created by Congress and BJP. But now thinking that I was wrong. 'SAB MILE HUE HEIN JI'- Arvind statement is correct.Tomorrow Arvind may join BJP, YoYa Congress but what to my sentiments which was shattered by these Arvinds, Ashutoshs, Pandeys, Khetans etcs

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot. But no talks about lack of internal democracy in party happened?
Its sad when personalities and ego become more important than task at hand.

Unknown said...

Thank You Sir for your honesty towards Volunteers.Issues raised by PB should be addressed immediately by NE of AAP. Else it is going to be loose a large base of Indian and NRI volunteers.

Anonymous said...

It was evident That Ak was on path to becoming supreme leader. PB was always behind the exposes Aap built on... people like manish ashotosh and sanjay are chamchas and will destroy aap

via said...

Good Mayank, We had a feeling you were a blind sycophant of Kejriwal .But you have told the truth .Mahatma Gandhi said Truth is like an edge of a sword.Keep it up

Unknown said...

It's no more AAP but AKP :(

kamat said...

I was expecting that you would have voted against removal of YY and PB.

Sandeep Solanki said...

Why can't this decision to be taken by the Volunteers, May i know why sanjay singh, dalip pandey, ashutosh is in the party ... they are just damaging the image of the party.... If this party beleives even a single percent in swaraj then revert this decision.. and do a referendum among the volunteers.. else we have to enforce right to recall which was one of the ethics of the party ...

Vikrant said...

We are confused .we the volunteers are not aware what actually is the reason of this rift.We can make our own assumptions. what ia the reason that inables big people in AAP to handle the voices of dissent.What is the Purpose of PAC if all at last are going to nod for a single voice.We volunteers need a reson a solid one to disown some one ,be it YY or AK.but what is the reason .whom to believe.Where is the transparency that been preeched till date .
why they are doing this?
Is it not any way to teach them back a lesson .Who so ever is right we dont know but the way adopted to settle down things can never be called transparency or a bid in the line of swaraj .
No help ,no donation ,no campaign .Let's AK buy volunteers next time.Either he is happy wd his CM chair in Delhi and does not give a damn to expand party .
God knows .whats cooking .Clearer version of sequence of events should come out .

Suman Saurabh said...

Thanks Mayank Bhai for taking this bold step for releasing these details. Yogendra Yadav and Prashant Bhushan were two of the most strong personalities who has an independent, free and unbiased thinking process. These two people has always looked to mentain their own self respect, gravity and moral grounds irrespective of what popular opinion said. Without these two, surely the PAC will look completely off color. Even though YY and PB has left the PAC, questions raised by them will stay their infront of Arvind and Co. Party and will surely put a huge dent in the confidence of millions of well wishers of AAP. Sad day for every one.

Mohammed Riyas said...

Thank you Mayankji. Once Arvind is back, hope he will correct his mistake.

nbm said...

Liked your observation on what AK used to do after meetings with Sibal. He is clearly a dual personality. What did YY say to that reporter that was not known to the world?

Secondly, this happened in Aug, 2014. Surely Arvind knew of it. Why then did he keep quiet, use YY fully till the Delhi elections and got the tapes released now? Gross dishonesty and utter selfishness.

AK is surely not trustworthy and comes out as a very petty person. i too had high hopes from him during the IAC days. But that was..... then !

Arshad Hussain said...

Thanks janab

nbm said...

Frankly, the AAP model is good only for a small privately owned Trust / Organisation. Not for governance or politics.

ayama ಆಯಾಮ said...

Thanks Mayankji. I am getting hope due to your feelings and the huge response ftom our volunteer friends through their heartily expressions. Hope things will set right sooner with introspection followed by possitive actions.

Anonymous said...

So what next? Mayank Gandhi sacked for anti-party activities? This party seems to be on self-destruct mode and imploding sooner than i thought

diya said...

આપ ની પીએસી માં થી યોગેન્દ્ર યાદવ અને પ્રશાંત ભૂષણ ને લોકશાહી પદ્ધતિથી કાઢવામાં આવ્યા
> આ નેતાઓ નો વાંક શું ? શું કોઈ સવાલ ઉઠાવવો એ ગુનો છે ?
> કોઈ સવાલ ઉઠાવે તો એને આ રીતે રસ્તો બતાવવો એ કઈ પદ્ધતિ ?
> આ મીટીંગ માં અરવિંદ કેજરીવાલ ગેરહાજર કેમ રહ્યા ?
> હવે શું ?
આજની ઘટના થી યોગેન્દ્ર યાદવ એક સ્ટેપ ઉપર ચડ્યા છે
જયારે અરવિંદ કેજરીવાલ અને આમ આદમી પાર્ટી એક સ્ટેપ નીચે ઉતર્યા છે
સોરી પણ આમ આદમી પાર્ટી માં એક નવી દિશા , એક નવી આશા જોવા વાળા મારા જેવા લાખો વ્યક્તિઓ આજ ની ઘટના થી ખુબ દુખી છે

Unknown said...

This is anarchy. Arvind Kejrival has double faces who cant stand the genuine criticism. You are not always right Kejriwal. You should have a heart to listen to the criticism. Thanks Mayank for proving we were right judging AK. If he does not change himself, AAP will be history.

Unknown said...

Thank you sir..AAP & AK have made the same mistake what was done at the time of resigning from Delhi..No communication & bad timing and the result was bad perception...same has happened this time...

Even if YY & PB were conspiring against AK ..still they way they have been treated is not acceptable.

This proves AK is no different than MODI..

The most shameful thing is your so called NEC..lick's AK's boots..
You all have put one man's ego before nation and its people.

The formula offered by YY & PB would have been the right decision for everyone.
But AK wanted to send a clear & strong message that you are nothing against me. and shamefully you all contributed to that...


Gopal - Ye Hardy said...

Hey MG. Thanks for this post. This reaffirms my thinking that Ak is the most absurd POLITICIAN in recent times, worse than mayawatis n lalus (as people at least know their true face), but AK has a DARK two-faced personality.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Unmesh Bagwe said...

If AAP takes disciplinary action against you, We will fight this high-command ... We (Thane City Volunteers) are with you, sir...

Still, I feel you should have voted. Vote in such a situation is very important....

Unknown said...


sumzik said...

why don't we have an online vote for the members of the PAC. I feel its a democratic right of volunteers like us who have give our time effort and soul into building of the idea of the AAP. lets go to the people to decide

Maulik Shah said...

because of people like you we still have believe in AAP.... Hope you are not the next to be removed

Sumit Bhatnagar said...

Looks like AAP is going through a tough time and this blog is very informative and published only out of Rage, certainly not with the 'sole' intention of keeping people / volunteers informed.
You have just slapped your own father for going weak in judgment for a moment, because he once slapped his student for the same reason.
Telling how AK told Sibbal that people should be informed is not the correct example. I hope when your anger is back in control, you will realize this.
YOUR BLOG IS MORE DAMAGING THAN INFORMATIVE (as info will come in minutes of meeting). Think again Sir!
Love, Respect!

Omar said...

AK created his Team in AAP to get majority in making his decision.
AK should think that, this Team is Sweet Knife and He must support Truth in AAP

Anonymous said...

God Bless you Mayank for writing the truth. More Power to you.

Unknown said...

Yeh Shama jalti rahe jo milke jalayi thi humne ,
Meri Manzil yehi aur Yehi thikana tha
Main Khaak hua toh kya
Main aaj bhi Parwana hun jo kal tak Parwaana tha.

Mr. Y Rajput said...

Bye bye Aap ...

Aam aadmi said...

Mayank sir, it is a very good and much appreciated step on your part that you have tried to give millions of volunteers and well-wishers of AAP a (brief) insight into what transpired at the NE meeting. For a party that mooted transparency and high ethical standards, this closed-door, autocratic decision-making does not bode well for AAP.

Don't know your compulsions, but like countless other volunteers and supporters, we are disappinted that you abstained from voting particularly after promising volunteers on twitter you would do your best to resolve the situation positively.

It is very unfortunate that well-meaning founding members like Prashant Bhushan and Yogendra Yadav have been dislodged (without their genuine concerns being addressed) and opportunists like khetan and ashutosh who joined much later (and got lok sabha tickets) seem to be taking AAP on a coterie/chamchagiri path paying scant heed to the vast majority of volunteers without whom this party would be nothing.

If Yadav and Bhushan were removed for supposed anti-party activities, by the same yardstick why has no action been taken against the gang of sanjay singh, ashish khetan, ashutosh, dilip pandey, naveen jaihind and ankit lal (perhaps more) who have all been involved in this present issue through a concerted campaign of slandering tweets, press conferences or letter leaks to the detriment of the party?

Whatever has happened in PAC/NE, has had a devasting impact on the party. Volunteers/supporters are feeling cheated. Will they get their invested time/years of life (those who quit jobs, studies and family) and donations back? How could the party leaders behave in such a short-sighted and narrow-minded manner?

As for Kejriwal, he has truly disappointed us, and his silence has spoken louder. In this "ayaankari" moment of his, we hope he remembers his own quotes- "niyat saaf honi chahiye" and "janta (read volunteers) maaf nahi karegi".

Thank you once again sir for your courage of posting your note. Inquilaab zindabad!

Jagdeep Bhunga said...

Yogendra Yadav and Prashant Bhushan are the main ideologists of the party. Arvind Kejriwal is the face of the party. He want to reform the system but he needs people like Yogendra Yadav and Prashant Bhushan for showing him path. Some childish people are surrounding Arvind Kejriwal at this point of time which may be fatal in future for the party.
Aam Aadmi Party is not the property of Arvind Kejriwal. It belongs to every citizen of India who saw a hope in AAP for changing the System of India. If this hope dies, Arvind Kejriwal will be a bigger culprit than A Raja, Kalmadi, etc.

Anonymous said...

thank you for putting the facts on the table. AAP seems to be emerging as a delhi centric party . Arwind does not have the ability to work with opposing ideas which in my mind is not ideal for a leader . its a great quality for a dictator. in a democracy we have to be able to work with conflicting ideas. AAP has fallen short of what it preached to India for the last 3 years.... sad !!!

Nitesh said...

Thanks for the blog..

Anonymous said...

What do we expect when guys from medua joins the party. These journalism is 99.99% corrupt. They earn in thousands and their assets are in millions. Arvind's best buddies and advisors are ashish khaitan and Ashutosh. This was expected.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mayankji,

I have disagreements with you in the past. I agree with your decision to make the proceeds of the meeting public.

I don't agree with you on your abstaining from the vote. After all, if you were keen on Prashanth Bhushan and Yogendra Yadav opting out of their own volition, then you should have voted against the motion. By that you would have given them two a chance to opt out if the motion is defeated.

I have known IAC as well as AAP being secretive when it comes to publishing the minutes of meetings. I think too much of "secrecy" and cloak-and-dagger moves have been the bane of AAP.

The aspirations of millions of volunteers are shattered once again.

Shanky said...

Thank you!
Mr. Kejriwal, Please come out of your loyal people & try to listen your critics.

Unknown said...

Very very sad ... Giriraj

Vikas Jha said...

कल पहली बार आम आदमी पार्टी को हारते हुए देखा... मैं कभी भी योगेन्द्र या प्रशांत का मुद्दाविहीन समर्थक नहीं रहा और ना ही मैं या हम जैसे लाखों लोग अरविन्द के मफलर से जुड़े थे, हम जुड़े थे तो उन सिद्धान्तों से जो इस खोखली राजनितिक व्यवस्था के खिलाफ थी। हम जुड़े थे उस खुली व्यवस्था की परिकल्पना से जिसमे हर व्यक्ति की जबावदेही तय होनी थी और किसी भी फैसले में जनतांत्रिक राय एवं दूरदर्शिता का समन्वय होना था। हम जुड़े थे तथाकथित राजनैतिक बाहुबलियों के खिलाफ बोलने और सवाल करने की आजादी के लिए। दुर्भाग्य, इस दर्शन के साथ उठी आम आदमी पार्टी आज खुद भस्मासुर हो गयी। दुःख है उन सब उम्मीदों के लिए जो इस दल से जुड़ी रही... दुःख है उन सब पलों के लिए जिसमें इस खोखली विचारधरा का समर्थन किया गया...

Swarup said...

Thanks for your clarifications. This is not clear what kind of conspiracy, YY was doing. PB has every right to oppose the candidature of few if he find something wrong in them. Party should consider his objections with due respect and should have judged them more carefully. If PB was adamant and was not listening to AK's side at all, then he is also wrong. If AK has made an habit of not listening to the opposing voices, then this movement is going to fail. My main objections are against Ashis, Asutosh, Dilip. Why did they become so personal against YY and PB.

Shanky said...

You should have voted in favor on YY rather than standing away

Ritu Jaiswal said...

AK is not comfortable working with YY and PB, but what about the large number of volunteers who are forced to accept the likes of Balyan, Pramila Tokas, Karan Singh Tanwar and Naresh Yadav as their representatives?

User Friendly Mathtematics and Statistics said...

Mayank Ghandi ji

Hats Off to you !
You are a true Gandhian in letter and spirit.

Keep it up and let the truth always prevail when in doubt !

Anonymous said...

Thanks Mayanks I is sad that AK could not handle dissent in the PAC. The majority expelling minority is no democracy. Sridhar

Shanky said...

Prashant and yogendra were the two conscience keepers of the party, they are gone now.....

Unknown said...

thanx a lot mayankji for ur courage to speak d its clear in mind that no democratic party exist in this country nor can any such party b created....we indians come to politics just for our vested interests...a hope was created by aap but it has i leave preaching for this party n its false ideology of...1.swaraj....2.referendum ...3.clean n honest with no high command of aam aadmi(common citizen)......the delusion has ended...thank u very kejriwal n associates....good bye.

BASHA said...

It is not practical for arvind play a dual role CM as well convener. He cannot give much for nation when he concentrate on delhi. i wish he let other leaders propagate the mission to other states

Unknown said...

Dear Mayank Gandhi,

For the first time, AK broke my heart and trust. He now seems to be playing politics of seasoned politicians. He was saying don't be arrogant and all, but he proved to be more arrogant than others. I didn't feel anything when Anna didn't support AAP, when Bedi left AK, when Shazia left etc., but when PB and JJ were ousted, I feel betrayed. I like AK because he brought good people together and started a revolution. I see him as a team of very good people. Without the team, he can't win hearts of millions of volunteers. No doubt he might govern Delhi good and corruption free, but with his present working style, much sooner than later AAP will become an other (B)SP. Its ok if AAP loses elections, but it should remain as a party having very high ethical standards, a robust system to deal with wrongdoing within and outside.

You are right in saying that the party is built on volunteer base and volunteers have every right to know what happened. The party should release the meeting minutes immediately.

I deeply appreciate you for posting this blog.

Best Regards,

K K Jha said...

As an AAP member I see the proceedings since last few months an OPPORTUNITY for the party to move forward in the direction of TRANSPARENCY DEMOCRACY & SWARAJ. I hope my party will move towards these ultimately and formulate the methodology which others do not have.

Wishing all the best !

Krishna Jha

Anonymous said...

In my opinion AAP will not last long or even if it does, it will eventually become more like Congress or any other party in India. AK is power hungry and will not spare anyone who goes against his views. I see a big similarity with Mamta Banerjee.

Anonymous said...

Ek party sambhal nahi pa rahe..Desh kya sambhalenge..#RIPAAP

Hemang Kelaiya said...

It is very disappointing. Lot of hopes on this party and they are also behaving like congress under Nehru-Gandhi regime. AK should not forget people has elected him for transparency and if he now thinks that he is supreme commander of the party he is mistaken. Big damage to people's hope on new politics.

Unknown said...

I read a literary novel written by Srilal Shukla in 1967 'Raag Darbaari' and there is a village where corruption was shown in independent India. The character of Vaid ji just like Arvind, character of Khanna Master is like YY and PB and people like you are Ghanshaym...Its pity that people put so much of faith in AAP.Its better to make existing party corruption free by joining them and removing the evil. Jai Hind

shriram said...

Thnx Mayank ji

Unknown said...

Thanks , opening your heart for truth & nothing but truth. kejri might have realized thet #swaraj cannot be implemented in india . But I have trust it might take long time & effort to achieve but is the only for india.
We in Belagavi continue to implement grass root democracy & need your help off course yogendra & pradhant bhushan. . jai Hind

Anonymous said...

its stalinist takeover of d party. prashant nd yadav should be thankful that they hv been thrown out from PAC. Not sent to some labour camp to do hard labour. A party which peaks early , ejaculates prematurely. not sexy any more. party over. back
to mother party, congress party.

मुसाफिर बैठा said...

सही कथन उचित सवाल।

vinod kulkarni said...

Thanks for sharing truth.

m. daas said...

Thanks Mayankji, I trusted two leaders in recent politics- first Nitish kr. and then Arbind Kej. But both disappointed me extremely for their personal glorification and due to mental corruption

Anonymous said...

Delhi gang of AAp behaved like a pack of Wolves. Disgusting I was such an ardent fan. Now I sincerely Hope
it devides and get wasted like janata Parivar in 1977. AK is a Megalomaniac

Anonymous said...

Feel sad at the sorry state of affairs. By skipping the NE meet, Arvind Kejriwal taken an easy way out to dissociate himself from this.He was, is and will always be a bhagoda.

krishna said...

If something bad has happened can be undone if intentions are clear. But I fail to Understand "Why arwind don't like Prashant and Yogendra in PAC.if it is kind question raised by them Then People has not seen this face of Arwind.

Anonymous said...

Thank god I am not from Delhi and I didn't vote for aap. N I regret my ls vote for aap. All Indians are same. No man is great enough to change this country. Kejriwal shamed every person who supported him. Lesson learnt. NOTA from now on

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That's why Anna hate politics.. looks Arvind will make it same as another political party... feeling shame after supporting AAP since 2011

Anonymous said...

Few things come to my mind :
a. AAP has not made any effort to address the concerns raised by PB and YY. They seem like very valid concerns (putting up candidates with criminal background, not being transparent with funding etc). Without addressing these questions, making personal attacks makes AAP look no different from other parties out there.

b. There is no way AAP can claim to be a party with a difference without internal democracy. I understand, they may not be ready yet but then the right thing to do is to at least be open to criticism,

c. Arvind's health is not good. He is not in a position to manage his health, party and government. So, why not reduce the load on him? Why is NE not being cognisant of this? Cost of this mistake can be very high.

This can turn out to be a very costly mistake by AAP..possibly much worse compared to the decision to end the Delhi govt first time around.

Anonymous said...

I am an NRI in the US. I supported AAP financially. I campaigned for the party online. I made phone calls to India. I am now very saddened.

Please understand that we did not support AAP for its 'efficiency'. We did not support it to grab power. We supported it because it had people like Prashant Bhushan and Yogendra Yadav who gave hope for politics with principles.

Now, even if PB and YY stay with AAP, we know the culture has changed, the goals have changed. It is not the party I supported. Extremely saddened. I don't want to work hard and offer financial support to create 'just another party'. Free bijli and pani was not the attraction.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Mayankji. You didn't do anything wrong. It is very sad to see the people and Party at this level. It really hurts by seeing AAP behaving like any other political parties. YY is one of the pillar of the party and he is one of the reason why I support AAP. PB is founder member the party and he is person who was there with AK from days of agitation. If AK is thinking he can only win votes and then I would say he is absolutely wrong. Every one in the party has their mass base and party will succeed only when we have collaborative effort of all party members. I am thinking I have a wasted a lot of valuable time by spreading the news about the party. As the leader of the party AK should come out clarify all the questions raised and should explain why the 2 founder members of the party sidelined from the decision making body of the party.

मुसाफिर बैठा said...

NE members supporting this gruesome ouster, or kejriwal himself should cough up some reply to this write up of gandhi defending their stand, otherwise why one remain treating AAP as party with a difference?

Real AAP said...

Dear Mayank,

At the outset, please accept my compliments for bringing out the TRUTH and being FEARLESS about the consequences of bringing out the truth. You have done your KARMA and the WORLD is with you.

You have proved today that you standby the principles on the very basis of which this party was formed and you have won the respect and admiration of AAP volunteers/supporters on the ground.

It is clear that YY and PB have stood for principles pf party and asked the right question. Hats off to them.

It seems that AK has become a victim of his own success. However this movement has to move even though AK has failed to live up to ethical standards he had himself set up. AK, you and your cronies have let us down.

Having said that I hope more fearless voices will come out to stand for truth and TRUTH SHALL PREVAIL.


Jai Hind.

Anonymous said...

Thank you mayank. You had the decency to abstain from something that didn't believe in. Disgraceful behavious from the entire Khaitan, Ashutosh , Pandey and mainly Ak. Only A.K's Chelas can survive in this Party. Journalist gang from Delhi behaved like street dogs Tweting and What Not. I contributed to this Party. I regret. Will never support AAP aain as long as AK is incharge.

Sandeep P A said...

I am feeling let down by the party. These are not the ideals for which I funded and promoted the party. I have removed facebook like on party page. I used to vocally advocate for party all friendly gatherings. Now I am ashamed and embarrassed face any of them.

Anonymous said...

ye sab BJP walon ki chaal hai..

Anonymous said...

Very sad, There are hundreds of people who believed in them, reading all incidents above. This gives us a clear picture how the leaders turn blind when power captures them. They all are power blinded.

Khursheed said...

What happened in AAP is not a good sign. I hope most of the AAP volunteers would like a solution without any removal. If it is not there then this party can not be survived. Within a few days this happen very sad. It shows now Ahankar generated and selflessness gone.

Khursheed Ahmad

Anonymous said...

1) issue is not managing dissent or difference of opinion which is there between husband and wife also but of doing conspiracies. AK is a quiet sort of person but not a fool and he gets all the information as to who is upto what. For obvious reasons, these conspiracies cannot be made public or shared with all volunteers. Things must have reached a point where AK felt that enough is enough and he cannot work with PB and YY under same umbrella. AAP volunteers should not doubt the judgement of AK and should not feel bad about ouster of PB/ YY if they believe that AK is their true leader. If they think YY/ PB to be their leader, then its their problem.
2) In management, unity of command and direction is vital. In army, one has to see in front for his enemy and he cannot afford to look sideways or back for his back-stabbers. If PB/ YY have done some great mischief which made AK lose trust in them, AK cannot accomplish the task that he is planning, if he has to always look sideways and backwards for checking back-stabbers.
3) It is said that exit of PB/ YY will cause irreparable damage to AAP. Really? PB is a great lawyer and YY a great spokesperson. These may be true but how these qualities are so important in getting votes of masses. YY made a spectacle of himself in Gurgaon election, an area under NCR of Delhi and after campaigning for many months and covering all villages, he came at nth number and perhaps forfeited his deposit also. PB is like Jaitley who cannot win any election whatever be the wave. So on what qualities, can they justify their positions in the apex body of a party which will rule India in forseeable future.
4) It is most absurd to say that all members of PAC or NE are near equal to AK. To me, AK is from 1 to 1000 and then somebody may come at 1001th rank. No political leader in India can match the charisma and personality of AK today. AK lost to Namo for reasons which are nothing to do with their respective persona. AK is condescending if he is allowing others to sit near him or at par with him; otherwise, he is indeed like a demi-god.
5) Those AAP supporters who are feeling let down by yesterday's events or who feel AAP is not AK and AK is not AAP or those who are against the idea of AK centric AAP, should lose no further time in exiting AAP and look for other pastures. For true believers in AK, they would rather fight a known enemy like shajia, ashwini upadhyay, binny, other founding members who have already exited, than to put up with dicey/ chameleon/ seasonal colleagues who throw hat and start doubting AK and AAP at the first and smallest instance.
6) It is correctly said that charity begins at home. To fight bigger and tougher battles, one needs to first put one's house in order. A divided army cannot win any battle let alone a war. I think AK should clean up other 8 also who voted for PB/ YY despite knowing clear will of AK in this regard.

Anonymous said...

Abrupt decisions always have far reaching effect ! Kejri hasn't learnt his lessons.

Anonymous said...

I supported AAP for Arvind's zeal but also for the honest, intellectual underpinnings that YY brought and the forthrightness of PB. Discipline is necessary to run a complex machine, but discipline cannot supersede the reason for why people looked up to AAP- being an honest and a different party. AAP has let me down. I agree with Mayank, there was no need for such an overt procedure. -A. Kumar

Anonymous said...

Ask/Dare your party to video record every meeting and share with volunteers.
They will never do.

Smashinghit said...

Mayank, I salute you for upholding what seems now, the true AAP principles for which we all joined, worked for, slogged for, gave up so many things for these cheap people.

We are with you, YY, PB and SB.
AK has let us down shamelessly after he got full power. Used us I guess freely.

Ritu Jaiswal said...

AK wanted a public debate with Kiran Bedi. Why is he so averse to debating with YY and PB? Is it that he can prove his worth only when the opponent is weak?

Anonymous said...

thank you for sharing

Anonymous said...

As per AAP constitution " one man - one post" is the basic principle. Is AK above this basic tenets of the AAP constitution?
What happened yesterday is just a replica of congress style operation. Why NE did not discuss points raised by YY & PB?
As some one said ealrier, If Nehru can work with Patel, Ambedkar, why not AK? Nehru, Patel, Ambedkar all had differences of opinion with each other, but when it came to Nation they all stood together. Where is swaraj proclaimed so loudly by AK?
Differences of opinion, discussion are back bone of democratic setup. IF we want only yes man around us, we are going downhill, not up
Very very sad day for India, AAP. Iam disillusioned

Smashinghit said...

AAP is now Arvind Alone Party with some chelas as Im sure you will be unceremoniously thrown out.

Anonymous said...

अरविंद जी से अपेक्षा नही थि… खाली गांधीजीका नाम लेते हॆ . गांधीजीका विचार तो काही दिखाई नाही देता . अहंकार इसिको केहेते हॆ अरविंदजी....

Anonymous said...


Tu kya ho, koun ho, tumhari aukaat hai ya nahi- kya hai sab saamne aa hi raha hai dheere dheere.

"...insaam se ho bhaichara!" what a pity!

Unknown said...

If they are removed because they shared letter with media ..than why not Manish Sisodia and why there is no disciplinary action against Dilip Pandey , Sanjay Singh & Ashutosh etc..

mmsofts said...

Delhi gang hijacked aap and ak conscience also.throw mirror from your houses unless it
Will show your real face

Unknown said...

I voted for Mr. Gandhi in the LS elections, and I am proud of him. Kejriwal wasted my donations of thousands of Rupees in fighting on 400 seats, which he lost. I want my money back.

K. Mankodi

Anonymous said...

I am not interested in supporting Imposter and liar. Either you accept you are like any other party or quit politics. Stop pretending to be different. You can't fool all of India. Now I see how important it is to not fake or not offer something you are not or you can't. Shame. Shame on us who attacked Modi for controlling his party. After this I find Modi better than this Imposter. He is what he is and we all know what he is what are his limitations. Cutting out Yogendra and Prashant shows how much AK respects genuine effort for change. Both of them are true fighter of AAP and it shows how little the powerful camp of AAP have respect for these good people. When bacha like Ashish Khetan and idiot like Ashutosh will be preferred over these two people should know it's all drama of being different. AK want sycophants to do what he wants do. I am not sure if he gives a damn about changing politics. All he is after is power! Good luck to all sycophants of AAP.

Anonymous said...

What kind of utter nonsensical justification to this madness from NE. Do u know how AAP promoted itself different from other parties? Go read from the website abt high command culture.

P B Srinivas said...

Arvind may disagree with YY & PB,on some issues, but this is not the way to treat them. Does that mean AK wants only yes men in his team, and does not want anyone to point out the defects of the party

Anonymous said...

Anyway it was concern of AAP and AAP has deal it in AAP way only. My best luck to all of you, for running Delhi in a uncorrupt way, for another 5 years.
The biggest challenge for you guys are remaining uncorrupt face, legally. Beware of good and bad people around you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Mayank! AK has let us down. As he leader he should be able to work with all types of voices and opinions.

Hanumanth Rao said...

"Absence of Communication leads to suspicion". Thank u for making things clear.

Hanumanth Rao said...

"Absence of Communication leads to suspicion". Thank u for making things clear.

Anonymous said...

1 it was all about varchasv
2 timing and strategy was perfect on yy and pb's part as nobody could dare confront ak after say 2 years from now
3 11/9(i am considering your vote in yy and pb's favour) suggests there is no clear winner
4 i did not vote or was a supporter of aap but after delhi results i started believing like billions in the country who are fed up of the conventional politics which is all about the business of investing huge money to win and afterwards make insane profits by each and every means
5 aap needs each and every resources .
6 history is there to learn. Do not repeat 1977
7 swallow the punches. Both of you are guilty at certain levels
8 i am sure neither ak nor yy and pb but bjp is the happiest by the not give bjp a chance to floor you
9 what change would you bring to delhi if you can not change yourself and act or even look different from the traditional parties
10 my advice swallow your pride smile forget shake hands and buckle up for upcoming challenges. Remember traditional parties can not match you in any field be it ethics motive conscience or anything so they will drag you to there level and finish you handsdown .they are waiting for you to slip so put your best foot forward
At last to all of you if you are going to indulge in power politics remember your own words
Janta moorkh nahi hai

Ganesh p said...

Shame on Arvind Kejriwal and all the NE members for opting such a means.

It does not appear to be Aam Admi party but Kejriwal chamcha party.

its better to resign now.

Anonymous said...

Mayank Sir, if you have been in so much love with values you should have voted in favor or against what ever your conscience said. This blog only show you are afraid of being removed next. No one deny today AAP stands only because of AK and if he is thinking some other he must be right.

Do not make drama and malign AAP, if you like you can leave and form other party.

Prashant Mishra said...

If AAP has to continue then their Delhi Syndicate needs to be defeated. Delhi AAP syndicate of SS,MS,AS,Ashish K should be shown their place. Typical Crooked politicians.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mayank, I believe that it's high time when you, PB and YY should start reinstating founding principles of AAP through media. It will help people and party members to understand what has gone wrong.

Anonymous said...

प्रिय मयंक जी,
हम लोग साइलेंट supporter है जो सब देखता और समझता है |
मैंने भी पार्टी सदस्यता ली मगर एक्टिव नहीं हु मगर यह बदलाव देश की राजनीती को चाहिए जिसका नाम AAP है | योगेन्द्र जी और प्रशांत जी के साथ जो हुआ वो ठीक नहीं है इस से तो कही गुना बेहतर लोकतंत्र बीजेपी में है बहुत लोगो को मेरे बात बुरी लग सकती है मगर अपनी बात कहने की आजादी अगर योगेन्द्र जी जैसे आदमी को AAP में न मिली तो AAPऔर कांग्रेस में क्या फर्क है | योगेन्द्र जी को में १९८८ से देख रहा हु और उनके व्यक्तित्व बहुत प्रभावशाली है वो सत्यपथ के राही है मई और मेरे जैसे हजारो लोग बहुत दुखी है की संकीर्ण मानसिकता की वजह से यह सब हुआ |
देशव्यापी विस्तार की बात करने में क्या बुराई है संगठन तो खड़ा करना ही है मगर यह सोचना की 4 साल खाली delhi की राजनीति उसके बाद आगे देखेंगे सही नहीं है | जिस समय नेशनल इलेक्शन नहीं लड़ना था तब लड़ा गया मगर अब वो सब पीछे है AAP को विस्तार करना होगा भले ही 10 साल चुनाव मात लड़ो | संघटन विस्तार की बात करना गुनाह तो नहीं है ?
एक अदना आदमी

Anonymous said...

1 it was all about varchasv
2 timing and strategy was perfect on yy and pb's part as nobody could dare confront ak after say 2 years from now
3 11/9(i am considering your vote in yy and pb's favour) suggests there is no clear winner
4 i did not vote or was a supporter of aap but after delhi results i started believing like billions in the country who are fed up of the conventional politics which is all about the business of investing huge money to win and afterwards make insane profits by each and every means
5 aap needs each and every resources .
6 history is there to learn. Do not repeat 1977
7 swallow the punches. Both of you are guilty at certain levels
8 i am sure neither ak nor yy and pb but bjp is the happiest by the not give bjp a chance to floor you
9 what change would you bring to delhi if you can not change yourself and act or even look different from the traditional parties
10 my advice swallow your pride smile forget shake hands and buckle up for upcoming challenges. Remember traditional parties can not match you in any field be it ethics motive conscience or anything so they will drag you to there level and finish you handsdown .they are waiting for you to slip so put your best foot forward
At last to all of you if you are going to indulge in power politics remember your own words
Janta moorkh nahi hai

Anonymous said...

Delhi High Command culture started in AAP. All the Best !!!

Anonymous said...

Amd your refrence with Sibal talk is also stands null as meeting with Kapil was about a public representative and government of India, while NE meeting is party internal working; so your comign loud is showing your frustation only.

Anonymous said...

So you are one of those people who can not withstand cricisim

Unknown said...

Very disappointing and equally disgusting. YY and PB are human and there are likely be rough edges to their personalities. This applies equally to AK, who in spite of all he has achieved can not claim he is flawless. YY and PB are not propped up leaders but eminent men in their own right. They have abilities and qualities that really complement the genius of Arvind.It is a basic requirement of collaboration at work and democracy that one should have no hassles to sit and work with a colleague whom he may not necessarily like or happens to have differences. AK could have stopped these from happening. He didn't and one can condone that as an error of omission to do the right thing. But later accounts suggest that he actually orchestrated the proceedings from behind the scene. That is willful commission of wrong doing. He has led to loss of faith not in himself but also in AAP and the idea of alternative and clean politics. Very Very Sad day for India.


Anonymous said...

That was very well said! As if Arvind Kejriwal himself spoken! All volunteers should contribute to building a big AK temple in Delhi! Long live Bhagwan Kejriwal!

Unknown said...

We have come together for better India in terms of better governance, transparency , corruption free, accountability , equality etc. Prashant Bhushan , Yogendra Yadav and colleagues have raised very important points which must be addressed without which AAP would be no difference with the existing Political parties of India. We have dreamed and worked, donated directly or indirectly for not this AAP.
Volunteers of AAP across the world kept saying, stay united but left unheard. Why was voice of volunteers not heard at all?
We are not AndhBhakt , if people those are raising important issues would be shown doors, hope ordinary people like me would also show AAP door.
I request you and other members please resolve the issues rather than shunting out People like Prashant Bhushan and Yogendra Yadav.
We completely disagree to yesterday decision and hope for the Good news.
Let us build up better India.
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

1) It is almost carved in stone that AK will be the PM of India in forseeabe future. It is the will of the destiny. But unlike PMs before him, under AK, India will go to new heights and glories in all spheres, a true Ram Rajya. Volunteers will be fooling themselves if they think that because of them, AAP got 67/70. These kinds of outcome dont happen without divine blessings. Like Krishna said in Gita to Arjun in Chapter 11 that he has already killed all these opponents and Arjun should just become a visible medium for that task. Similarly, whether X or Y stays with AK or not, AK is going where he is destined to go. But those who are getting chance of working with AK in this great and marvellous endeavour should consider themselves very lucky and fortunate. But those who are still blinded by doubts or have bad intent or short term goals in mind, will leave this caravan at some point of its journey and they will be the unfortunates ones. But in that case, loss is not to AK or AAP but to those leaders and volunteers who could not see the bigger picture and let themselves down by their own stupidity.

Anonymous said...

All this mayank mythology is only helping Congress which got in depression as national fight was going to be between BJP and AAP in 2019 and result was shown in delhi election congress going to 0. and all who are showing sympahty to Mayank I can be sure are anti AAP or congress supporter.

Unknown said...

Confused and surprised by your timidity.
You have been very vocal about other workings of other parties, but very guarded when talking about turmoil in your party. How can AAP put a gag order on its own ppl. Why did you accept, why other AAP members accepted it, do none have spine.
If Prashant was objecting to candidates where did AAP address it. You kept quite then. All of you just wanted power.

Jayesh Shah / Surat / India said...

It shows that some people in Delhi love power and they do not love those responsible them to get this power!
A Gandhian should leave such party. Are you a real Gandhian? Only Gujarati Gandhi (MK) could give honest and selfless leadership. In present times, you may find many who follow Gandhi, but when times come, they renounce the Gandhian principles to stick to power. A good Gandhian should not be with those who do not respect true criticism.

Anonymous said...

geting YY or Salim yadav and PB out of AAP is soldi step to make AAP more acceptible at national and primarily in UP and Bihar where elections are going to come. PB and YY have always embarassed AAP. they should completely thrown out; and those who are showing so much sympathy with Mayank are congress lovers as they know this AAP wave is going to end congress rule and only two party will remain in picture notional BJP and AAP. which is best interest of India.

Mayank Leave AAP if you have guts and show truth by joining congress.

Alok Agarwal said...

Thanks Mayank.

Shame on chamcha's of Kejriwal for letting the AaP supporters down. I have been regular donor to Aam Aadmi party.

I wish reconciliation happens quickly in best interest of party and the country.

Won't contribute funds to AAP till their expulsion is revoked.

Anonymous said...

Makes sense now why people are saying it's Arvind Alone Party..I am strong supporter of APP because of the Idea but if this is way the party is driven then people will lose trust and the volunteers who worked day and night for Delhi election will be disheartned, it's completely unethical to remove YY and PB from PAC, and why no APP official spokes person coming to news channels, is this because they can't justify this unethical removal of YY and PB..And why someone is running the entire show by staying away from it..and how the party is supporting this..

Anonymous said...

Thank u Mayank. We in Bengal are closely following these developments and are heartbroken.AAP is finally in the hands of some powerpimps. Dont worry PB will give u a hard time in the court.Then it will be impossible to avert a face off.

Anonymous said...

This shows Arvind Kejariwal is a opportunist and was interested in getting CM of Delhi.Even his team members are also like that.None of the MLA's,Ministers are showing any interest in implementation of issue committed in the menifesto.Electricity &water looks to be short term adjustment AAP has done.

Anonymous said...

By running away and hiding and with dictum using mobile phone, AK has cheated all AAP volunteers who wish to give all what they have for noble cause they believe in. All this courage comes from new ways to secure fund and power to run party.It seems party and AK no more need AAM adhvi volunteers, but rich people who can contribute money to contest and win elections..

AK has shattered volunteers dream by not just unable to accommodate other views but booting them out.AK is chasing illusion. Never come back asking sorry ,you find your self standing behind congress in people choice.Does AK has courage to answer volunteers question?

Alok Agarwal said...

Kejriwal , return my money .

I am writing in anguish and pain.

Anonymous said...

NO one can deny people voted for AK in delhi and also in LS only for name of AK. those who are latering truth and want to gain power and become haryana CM and other who is writing blog was looking to become maharastra CM. should think again and support AK.

Anonymous said...

I do not understand yet, WHY YY and PB were removed from PAC?
- is it because they raised some uncomfortable questions?
- is it because they leaked their letter to press?

I really regret that I donated my hard earned money to AAP. I feel like a fool...

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